The Incredible True Story of Homayon Hatami

On the night of the eighth of May 2013, Mr Homayon Hatami rescued a woman who had jumped from a pier near Eastern Beach in Geelong Victoria. For his action, Mr Hatami was awarded the Royal Humane Society of Australasia Silver Medal for bravery. With the authority of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second, Queen of Australia, Mr Hatami was also awarded the Commendation for Brave Conduct by The Governor General His Excellency Sir Peter Cosgrove.

Mr Hatami, a karate champion, was selected to represent Australia several times. Unfortunately he could not go because Mr Hatami is an asylum seeker on a bridging visa which will not be renewed when it expires in April. His allowance (tiny though it may have been) has been cancelled.

This attempt to expel Mr Homayon Hatami, despite the recognition he has been awarded by this country, and achievements in sport, stand in stark contrast to a bunch of losers some public servants, and some politicians, thought were worthy of citizenship and/or protection.

David’s Republic will run a campaign, supported by The Australia Times to right what we believe is a wrong!

We are collecting signatures for a petition to the Minister for Immigration MR Peter Dutton asking him to issue Mr Hatami with a Visa that will enable him to remain and work in Australia.

Click here to sign the petition

Read the full story in the latest Forum Magazine

Image Courtesy of Amie Jessop