Arj Barker – Get in my Head

Friday 22nd May – Country Club Casino Launceston

By Kristie Giblin – 4/5 stars

Arj Barjer is a veteran when it comes to laughs. Having travelled to Australia for years, his style of comedy is familiar and always entertaining.

He is relevant and relatable to an Australian audience, with his shouted punch lines always going down well.

In a smaller town like Launceston, it is appreciated when a visitor learns a bit about the place and incorporates this knowledge into their show, which is exactly what Arj did.

Anecdotes about the flasher up ‘the Gorge’ and bagging out Hobart (our biggest rivals), are always sure to go down well with a Launceston crowd.

Any comedian who is able to relate to their audience is going to be a hit. With stories of how selfish kids are, wanting to tell you all about themselves, mixed in with coy remarks about his success, made for a good mixed bag of jokes which brought on many laughs.

I’ve seen Arj many times over the years he has been travelling down under, and I’m never disappointed.

With dates popping up all over Australia, be sure to get along to see a comedy legend who guarantees a good night out for people of all ages.