Cherchez la Femme – Feminism and Selfies

If you read about them in the mainstream media you’ll know that selfies are the end of civilisation as we know it, especially if women and girls are taking them. But we’ve always found ways to subvert the male gaze and represent ourselves as we want to be seen, and the rise of the selfie has happened at a nexus of culture, technology, politics and art. So whether you think selfies narcissistic and vain or a powerful tool for self-knowledge and alternative ideas, come along and talk about it with some cool feminists! Absolutely amazing lineup this month:

Lian Hingee – Frocks and Frou Frou creator, Guardian blogger, fashion maven, feminist

Lauren Scott – famous on the Internet @OreoSpeedwagon, social commentator, photographer, feminist

Jack Stewart – budding educator, derby skater, activist, feminist

Virginia Fraser – artist, writer, historian of Australian film, feminist

Wednesday 4 November, 6.30pm
The Melba Speigeltent
35 Johnston St, Collingwood
Fully wheelchair accessible, kid-friendly, food truck outside

Tickets: $15