FRINGEWORLD: Darren the Explorer: The Musical (4.5 stars)

Review by Kieran Eaton.

Darren The Explorer: The Musical is a fictional parody of childhood shows. Instead of innocent childish adventures, the adventure is more … adult. I am serious because the main characters have to go to (drumroll) Northbridge!

However, it is real child-like adventure in that the main character Darren (played by writer Luke Bolland) has two friends:  Map and Shoes. You wonder, why are the friends called Map and Shoes? Well, Map is a girl that has a map on her body and Shoes is a talking monkey that wears shoes. The adult part is Map needs a vagina and Shoes does not want a pregnant woman to give birth to his child! Darren’s issue is that his dad has never told how he is proud of him. Awww.

Darren and his friends have been told of a magic lamp in Northbridge  which will give them three wishes! This is convenient because each character has an issue that they could wish to be solved. The problem is that they first have to spot some “adult things” and that causes more than a few challenges for these unlikely friends to solve. To keep their morale up, they sing songs created by Australian Idol’s Courtney Murphy. These songs have child-like tunes with an adult-like twist.

Part of this show’s charm is that all the characters are very different; from an Armadale bogan to someone slightly on the Autistic spectrum,  this show is brilliantly conceptualised and written in a way that you are sometimes laughing because it is true! I highly recommend Darren The Explorer: The Musical – it ticks all the boxes for a truly enjoyable festival show.

When: 23rd January -6th February (7:20pm)

Where: Ramen Room, Noodle Palace

Tickets: $16.50 – $20

Info: Duration 60 mins, recommended 18 +
