Kitty Flanagan: Seriously?

Review by Kristie Giblin

The first stop on her Seriously? tour started out with a Paul Kelly song about Sydney, sung by Flanagan’s sister Penny. As Kitty joined her on stage, a new verse of the song was brought to light showcasing some of the sites of Lonnie. This is a great move which is always appreciated, when an artist not only acknowledges some of the small town icons, but have done enough research to connect with the locals.

The show was created in order to debunk the many rumours that Flanagan is a lesbian. She took the audience through her recent relationships, and subsequent breakups, trying to set straight the fact that she didn’t choose to be middle aged, single and childless for ‘comedy purposes’.

Her most recent relationship which lasted for 18 months with a police man, brought on many laughs, not just about the silly things you fight over when you’re in a relationship, but also some hilarious police puns.

Working through a large array of topics including ‘are you a dog or a cat person?’, ‘what’s a better invention – a dishwasher or the internet?’, and many tales of what it’s like being a middle aged woman.
Flanagan finished the show by bringing her sister back out for another song which beautifully encompassed all of the best bits of the evening.

A fantastic, feel good performance which not only gave more of an insight into the real Kitty Flanagan, but proved that she can still nail stand up, even though she now predominantly works on television.

When: 4 February – 18 June 2016

Where: Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland (see website for exact towns)

Tickets: Varied – $44.90 average.

Info: See website for site specific information.
