FRINGEWORLD: Adam Peter Scott: Straight to Video (4 stars)

Guest review by Jessica Thompson

In Adam Peter Scott: Straight to Video, Scott asks what sort of movie or tv show would his life be. Could it be a romantic comedy? Comedy, crime, spy? Will it be the Captain Planet movie he’s wanted to make since he was a kid? Probably not. In the next hour, Scott masterfully explains why his life doesn’t quite fit into those pre-made genres, using examples from episodes of his own life.

Scott –  a self-confessed straight, white man, takes you on a walk through different genres that could be his life. After trying to fit his own life into these high-paced, fast and furious genres, Scott realises that maybe he is just too normal or sidekick like to be the star of any genre.

Scott’s delivery is fantastic. He jumps from info-commercial-like excitedness to TED Talk presenter, depending on how manic the genre or how passionate he is about the topic. He’s a geek – he reads voraciously, watches tv and movies as often as possible, and will take any opportunity he is given to talk about 90s pop culture. Sometimes slick, other times shamelessly geeky, Scott’s style is definitely unique.

Throw in some dick jokes, pop culture and Captain Planet and you get a great show that will leave you laughing except for maybe the end bit!

When: 10 – 20 February 2016 (8:10pm)

Where: Pho Barn, Noodle Palace, Northbridge, PERTH

Tickets: $15 – $20

Info: Duration 55 minutes, Suitable 15+
