Review by Caitlin Harris
Fresh off the back of sell out shows at Perth’s Fringeworld comes A Lady’s Guide to the Art of Being a Wingman, from dynamic Australian comedy trio Daisy (Belinda Hanne Reid), DeeDee (Natasha York) and Delilah (Lisa Woodbrook.)
Suit, and pink bee-hive, up with our Single Ladies, as their audiobook guides them on their quest to become the ultimate wingmen in their home town of Melbourne.
Join the wolf pack ‘Desperettes’ in a how-to as they hit the city’s club scene, take prime viewing position at the bar and set their sites on many a fine gentleman (hint: audience participation). Learn how to lure your prey in with conversation starters like “would you like me to sit on your face?”. Dodge any ‘cliterference’ you may face along the way with ease (you know – being ‘boxed out’) and build your gal pals up as Heroes ready to save that fella in distress.
Laugh out loud funny, these women dressed as men do a hilarious take on the pick-up scene we have all at one-point faced – cleverly exposing double standards and ridiculous trends of the dating world, all while smashing out your favourite naughties ballads that’ll have you feeling Pitch Perfect (cue Destiny’s Child, Salt n Pepa).
The Desperettes are performing at the Butterfly Club in Melbourne until Sunday 15 May 2016 before their final Australian shows in Queensland and the Edinburgh comedy Festival in Scotland.
If you need some new pick-up lines (let’s face it, who doesn’t?) do yourself a favour and see this show. You won’t meet anyone on Tinder mid-week anyway.
Disclaimer – Males in the audience face a 75% chance of being grinded on!
When: 10th – 15th May 2016 (8:30pm)
Where: The Butterfly Club, MELBOURNE
Tickets: $26 – $32
Info: Butterfly Club members receive cheaper tickets and $1 off all drinks!