As the holiday season comes to an end and many of us prepare for ‘back to school’ Red Cross has some great ideas to make life a little easier for everyone.
“If you find one or two excess Christmas presents when you unpack your bags ‘Don’t ditch them, re-gift them” says Red Cross Shops Community Engagement Manager, Kate Dear.
“Unwanted Christmas gifts or summer clothing can be delivered to any Red Cross store, Monday to Friday or in some busier locations, seven days a week” says Kate.
You can find the location of your nearest Red Cross Shop by going online to or calling 1800 811 700.
First Aid Marketing Manager, Rebecca Buonsanto says “A well-stocked first aid kit in the car, at home or in a sports bag will help keep our youngsters safe for the new school year.
“It’s also a good time of year to brush up on first aid skills” says Rebecca. “Red Cross offers first aid courses for adults, adolescents and children to teach everyone how to respond in an emergency and help save lives.
“Red Cross can arrange a $1,600 subsidy for defibrillators for schools and sporting groups, under the Project Defib initiative. The Red Cross defibrillator package includes ongoing support and training.”
To purchase a Red Cross first aid kit, to book a first aid training course or to make an enquiry about Project Defib, go online to or call 1300 367 428.
“Every community has at least one family who will struggle with the pressures of the new school year,” says Red Cross Fundraising General Manager, David Armstrong.
“You can help families in crisis by making regular monthly donations to Red Cross. For more information about becoming a regular giver, go online to or call 1800 811 700.