‘Unbelievable destruction’ were the first words we heard from Vanuatu when Cyclone Pam hit. Every hour brings worse news from our teams on the ground.
We’ve launched the Cyclone Pam (Vanuatu) 2015 Appeal.
Your donation now will provide urgent humanitarian relief.
Half of Vanuatu’s population has been affected – homes smashed to pieces, buildings and hospitals damaged, water and power supplies destroyed. The outer islands bore the worst brunt, with near-total destruction in some places.
Imagine trying to pick up your life after such a disaster.
Our local Red Cross teams were evacuating people to safety before the cyclone hit. Now, they are working non-stop to provide first aid to the injured, hand out tarpaulins for shelter and hygiene kits to prevent disease, and offer comfort to terrified and heartbroken parents and children.
This is a massive humanitarian crisis. Please help us provide urgent relief.
Your donation will help by:
- providing first aid, safe drinking water and sanitation
- getting food and relief supplies to families who need them most
- helping affected communities recover
- sending specialists to help with assessments, relief and recovery
We’ve got local volunteers helping in their communities and specialist aid workers are on their way. The need is enormous.
But we can’t do this without you – please give now.