
The Australia Times (TAT) is seeking volunteers from every State and Territory for the following positions:

1. Editors 7. Photographers 13. Marketing managers
2. Deputy editors 8. Graphic artists 14. Marketing assistants
3. Sub editors 9. Layout artists 15. PR manager
4. Proof-readers 10. Typesetters 16. Social Media manager
5. Writers 11. Advertising managers 17. Web developers
6. Reporters 12. Advertising assistants 18. Administration angels

The Australia Times

…is a free, non-aligned, grassroots, national online publication. We are a blend of professional and citizen journalism creating online content for specialist groups and the community at large. We aim to become the voice of the people and their trusted source of information. We have pledged 10% of our profit (when we make a profit) to charities. We currently offer all charities free advertising. We have pledged 30% of our profit (when we make a profit) to our contributors.

Join Us

Join our many volunteers (located in every State and Territory) and enjoy the company of like-minded people. Contribute to a worthwhile project you can be proud of being associated with! Join Us

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