#DearDiary (4 1/2 out of 5 stars)

Image courtesy of Opencage Photography I always expect a highly engaging show at The Butterfly Club in Melbourne’s CBD and >#DearDiary definitely lived up to expectation. The first solo show of International actor, and big kid at heart- Andi Snelling, which sold out Adelaide Fringe Festival, entertained a packed house yesterday night- with an enormous, … Read more

Interview with actress Andi Snelling

Image courtesy of Andi Snelling I interviewed actress Andi Snelling about her upcoming solo show >#DearDiary, off the back of a sold out season at the Adelaide Fringe 2016. The show is a verbatim, confessional reading of the Diaries Andi kept from age 9-33. After a short introduction: The Australia Times: So Andi are you … Read more