Years ago I was going through a situation with a horrible boss. My sleep was poor, my diet was wretched and my climb out of bed each morning was hell.
It’s too hard to quit sugar
Sugar. It’s bandied around all the time these days in the media – it’s evil, it’s addictive, and it’s poison. You’re nothing but a lazy ignoramus if you don’t watch your sugar intake – or so the message is inferred.
The Aussie guy explained
Article by: Kelly Sargent
Recently a friend from Finland confided in me about her frustration and confusion about Australian guys: to my surprise I was able to reassure her of some really bizarre behaviours. Not that these are always the case, but there are certain things Aussie guys do that are very puzzling, and after years of observation, I was able to help clear up some confusion.
Of course the following is a big generalisation; and should you not like that, don’t read on.
Saving our dog
Article by: Jana Salt
My mum came home one day and couldn’t find our dog. She searched for twenty minutes before finding him curled outside in a bush, soaked from the rain. His bladder was bursting and he wasn’t able to relieve himself or walk.
He was tested at the Animal Hospital and $3000 later, they diagnosed him: bladder stones that were likely caused by a degenerative liver shunt.
Understanding Women: 9 pieces to our puzzling minds
I am a woman and sometimes, I don’t even understand my own behaviour. I can’t even begin to imagine how men feel! When we’re mad, we refuse to tell you why. When we’re upset, we don’t let you see us cry. When we’re asking if our butt looks big, we expect you not to lie.
Just in case you’ve been trying to find ways to de-code our little puzzled minds, I’m here to help you understand what we actually mean by the actions we make, and the words we speak! Get ready to take some notes; this is an intuitive insight into the female mind!
I don’t know
It had been almost six months and I was thinking to myself where is this all going? I really liked the guy, it seemed he really liked me, but for some reason things weren’t moving forward. I lacked clarity about the type of relationship I was in. We kissed with such passion and made love with intensity, but he was still an enigma to me.
The Devastation of Anxiety
Life’s managed to get hard again. The etherealness has been drawn from my veins, and I’m heavy, drained, and unsteady again.
Today I received a card from my mum
Article by: Kelly Sargent
Today I received a card from my mum who passed away a year and a half ago, at 58 years young. The confusion and mixed emotions of this surprise arrival sparked many emotional questions.