Azure in Melbourne

Mindreading and psychological magic show Azure comes to Melbourne for just 2 nights, by UK mentalist David Stewart.

After his success in the UK, David Stewart will be premiering his new mentalism show Azure on July 22 and 23, 2015 at The Butterfly Club, Melbourne. Since January, he has travelled Australia collecting ideas, inspiration and knowledge for this brand new stage show. that’ll be travelled over the world through 2015 and 2016.

Azure demonstrates seemingly psychic mind-reading, devilish hypnosis and beautiful magic, all with a spiritualist way of seeing the world. It explores the true potential of our minds, how we’ve been asleep to the infinite abilities that we all posses and that now it’s time to wake up.

This is a one-man show, using the audience for random volunteers and lasts for one hour. It includes demonstrations of reading unknown details about volunteers, revealing thoughts and predicting the future. With beautiful decor and a capacity of just 40 seats, downstairs at The Butterfly Club is the perfect setting for such an intimate gathering.


Wednesday 22nd July 2015 : 8pm

Thursday 23rd July 2015 : 7pm

Tickets available at