Thinking of a great idea for Mother’s Day? Why not consider the gift of breakfast in bed?  Few things feel as indulgent as a sleep in, a break from the kids, and a much-deserved break from the endless to-do lists. Edenvale wine would love to share a few simple tips for keeping Mum’s special day easy and breezy.

Most importantly, what does she like? – Does mum prefer a sweet or savoury breakfast? It’s a great idea ( If you don’t already know) to get an idea of what your Mum likes ahead of time, so you can tailor a breakfast to suit her taste – after all, it is all about her today.


Keep it simple – when kids are about, the kitchen can get very noisy (and messy!)— the last thing you want to do is wake Mum early!  In the name of simplicity, consider making something as simple, yet impressive as baked eggs or blueberry pancakes. These types of dishes are perfect as the ingredients can be easily prepared the night before – making it easy to whip up quickly in the morning.

Don’t ruin the surprise or mum’s sheets! – put yourself in her position: when you’re just waking up, a plate of pancakes dripping in syrup might not be the best or easiest thing to eat, however, taking a few extra steps can go a long way to ensure mum can still enjoy her favourite dishes. Top Tips – Put all sauces or syrups on the side, provide a sturdy tray and plate, and lastly, but most importantly, provide plenty of napkins!

Splurge on the tray – Impress Mum with your attention to detail- a simple touch such as fresh flowers or even her favourite fresh baked pastry is a simple, yet memorable way to add your own personal touch.

Go that extra step – Champagne breakfast! If she’s not a drinker ( or it is too early), pamper mom with a gorgeous non-alcoholic bubbly from Edenvale. 

Wonderfully refreshing on the palate, Edenvale Sparkling Cuvee is a perfect accompaniment for any breakfast with a delicious array of fruit flavours, and aromas of ripe apples, subdued tropical fruit and citrus notes.

You cook, you clean. – Lastly, but most importantly, clean as you go, or at least make sure you clean before mum gets out of bed!

**Information & Images Courtesy of Edenvale/Evil Twin PR


Connie Lambeth

The Australia Times News

Editor GOURMET – Food/Wine/Events



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Easy Blueberry Pancakes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

Serving Size: 4


1x 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

2teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon sugar

2 large eggs

1 1/4 cup of whole milk

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen (thawed if frozen)

vegetable oil, for the pan


1.    In a medium-size mixing bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients.

2.    In a separate bowl, whisk together all wet ingredients until the egg is broken up.

3.    Add all wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and add blueberries. Gently stir until flour is mixed in, being careful not over mix as this will make the batter tough. Leave a few lumps for tender pancakes.

4.    Place a large non-stick pan over a medium-high heat.

5.    Moisten a paper towel with vegetable oil or butter and lightly wipe the bottom of the pan. This will keep the pancakes from sticking together.

6.    For each pancake, gently pour 1/2 cup of batter into the pan, using a ladle or a measuring cup. Use the back of a spoon to spread the batter into a circle.

7.    Bubbles will form in the batter. When they begin to pop, the pancakes are ready to be flipped. Turn over gently with the spatula and continue cooking for 1 minute until golden brown.
