Review of John Dore: Revolving Dore (4 out of 5 stars)

Image courtesy of John Dore  Performing to a small crowd is always a challenge- but John had the audience at The Butterfly Club in stitches with his relatable antics, and quirky physical impressions. I found myself muttering ‘that’s true’ to many of the stories John told, with topics like- the tell tale sign we have reached … Read more

Interview with actress Andi Snelling

Image courtesy of Andi Snelling I interviewed actress Andi Snelling about her upcoming solo show >#DearDiary, off the back of a sold out season at the Adelaide Fringe 2016. The show is a verbatim, confessional reading of the Diaries Andi kept from age 9-33. After a short introduction: The Australia Times: So Andi are you … Read more

Interview with John Dore

Image courtesy of John Dore I sat down with John at a bar in the Melbourne CBD to chat about his upcoming show Revolving Dore at The Butterfly Club, why he became a comic, and his advice for those starting out. The Australia Times (TAT): Hi John, thanks for meeting with me. You look different … Read more

An Evening with Madame Elbac: World Famous Fortune Teller and (Side Kick) Psychic (3 1/2 out of 5 stars)

Image courtesy of Madame Elbac You won’t know what to expect, but she does. A psychic that knows what you’re thinking and how to make you laugh! Performing at the Butterfly Club in the Melbourne CBD until Sunday. Describing herself as an ‘ipsy’ Madame Elbac combines comic song and ritual to reveal her psychic powers … Read more

Under My Skin- 4 out of 5 stars

The performance of Under My Skin, by ‘The Delta Project’, is an important stepping-stone in paving the way for dance & physical theatre shows with deaf performers, and shows catering to deaf audiences. The show- put on as part of the ‘Next Wave’ Festival at the Arts House in North Melbourne, was created and performed … Read more

The Augmented AV Poet- 5 stars

Image courtesy of Cy Gorman I wasn’t at all sure what to expect from The Augmented AV Poet, walking inside the always mysterious and delightful Butterfly Club in Melbourne’s CBD. Now it’s easy to understand why Cy Gorman’s music has been nominated for JJJs Hottest 100 on several occasions, as he adds a colourful mix … Read more

MICF: Shirley Gnome in Real Mature (5 stars)

Image courtesy of Pin-up Perfection Photography   Like a naughty, comedy version of Taylor Swift- Shirley Gnome uses her superstar country voice and beautiful acoustic melodies to deliver witty, original song lyrics about sex and relationships with hilarious results.   Very clever, very silly and very honest, both men and women will relate to Shirley’s … Read more

MICF Here to Save the World (5 stars)

Image courtesy of BLACKCAT PRODUCTIONS   A quartet of clever and talented ladies have pulled together a tight, wowing performance with Here to Save the World reaching notes higher than the ceilings of the intimate Butterfly Club space in Melbourne’s CBD, and tackling sexism head on- through witty adaptions of male led pop, rock and … Read more